I feel that I ones again need to address something.
It's hard for me to express myself regarding this cause I don't really know how to, without sounding like a compete drama queen or a bitch.
But the fact of the matter is that I am getting really overwhelmed.
I love all of you Exchangers and appreciate all the love and support you are showing me, as well as for the group and the site (ExchangeEurope & ExhangersUniter).
I enjoy talking to you and hearing about your day, your ideas and thoughts of the boys.
I do.. But there is a line that can't be crossed and that's when it comes to privacy.
I have had to set my instagram and twitter to private before and I don't wanna go back to that but if boundaries keeps getting crossed I will have to.
I want to share my day with you all and update my instagram with pictures of my everyday life.
But please, don't use my pictures without asking me first.
And when it comes to my facebook, I have been bombarded with friend requests these past few weeks, and I am flattered that you guys want to be friends, but it comes down to the fact that I am a very private person and there's a lot of personal things on my facebook so if I don't know you personally, I ask that you keep it to instagram and twitter.
I am happy to talk to you on there as long as you are respectful.
I don't mean for you to not talk to me or contact me at all.. just.. give me a little privacy and space.
I understand that you all are really excited over the boys and their European plans.
I'm glad that you are, but please don't ask me for personal information on the boys, a lot of the things that you are asking for I can not answer, and the things I can answer that would be considered their private life, I will still not share with you cause it is not my information to share. Please respect that.
I love it that you guys contact me with ideas and projects that you have and want me to be a part of or help you with, I am more than happy to help you guys with things like that, so don't feel intimidated to keep contacting me about things like that.
I hope this will help establish a more, how can I put it..
Healthy and less stressful relationship between me and you all.
Keep being fantastic, keep spreading the love and support just like you have been doing, but keep in mind, I am just one person and It's hard for me to keep up with you all so if it takes a little while for me to get back to you, don't stress, I'll get around to it. Promise.
I love you guys SOOOO much, and I hope that you will not take this entry in a negative manner.
I am simply trying to help our relationship so it can work more smoothly.
I hope you all are having a fantastic day.
Much Love.
xoxo Lindah
Admin: Me
Co-Admin: Tiina
Webmaster: Therese
Co-Webmaster: Me
ExchangeEurope and ExchangersUnited are two seperate things.
ExchangeEurope backs and supports ExchangersUnited and the other way around, but they are not the same.
See ExchangersUnited more of an extension of ExchangeEurope.