
Monday, May 12, 2014


Stockholm my dear Stockholm.
I just got home and I already miss it.
Altho Stockholm is not exactly what you would call a big capital city.. It is still the closest thing I get to a major city here in Sweden.
I miss my New York. It's a rough day today.. I am supposed to be on a plane on my way to NY as I am typing this. But life happened and now I'm... stuck in Sweden for about 6 more months.. Blah..
I really really need to get back to Manhattan. ASAP.

Anyways.. I have been really down for a few days now suffering abandonment issues and I don't know how to handle it. 
It's such an odd, confusing situation and I'm completely clueless.
Through this I have been getting SO much love from The Exchange's fans.
These girls are the sweetest things ever, they tweet me little sweet messages of encouragement, love and support that keeps me going through the day. 
They're SO grateful to me for the ExchangeEurope accounts and they let me know every single day.
It will be wonderful getting to meet a lot of them in person this summer. 
The Exchange, without a doubt have the friendliest fan base EVER and I am forever grateful to the boys for bringing us all together.

On a different note, I have a really important interview for a job today.
I REALLY want this job so I'm hoping it will go my way.
I've had the same job but for a different company before so I KNOW I can do this, and I'm DAMN good at it. Keep your fingers crossed for me, will ya!?

Gonna chill out and watch some TV now before it's time to head downtown.

LOVE to all.

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