
Monday, April 6, 2015

Get it done!

Just took a two hr walk back and forth to town.
It's a beautiful spring day out.
Tomorrow it's back to work again. Can't say I'm too exciter about it.
We have a Sales education in the AM and after that, we have finals.
I'm a little anxious about the final exam. I've never been a school kind of girl.
I don't learn by sitting down and listening. I learn by watching, then mimicking,
Hopefully I'll do OK.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Open wounds

There's a lot on my mind tonight,
I was cleaning my apartment and well.. found a bunch of old notes, pictures and things that relate back to when me and Johan used to me really close.
It's so weird to think about it really.. Just a few months ago, it was him and I against the world.
He was my person.. my BFF and more!
He kept me safe and had me smiling when all I wanted to do was cry.
There was not a second he didn't make sure I was ok.
If we didn't work the same shift one day, he would sit with me for a while, make sure I was ok, then he'd leave, but every so often, I'd check my phone after he had left, and there would be a sweet encouraging message from him.
- "No matter what day it is, No matter how you're feeling, No matter how I'm feeling, You will always have my support."
That was just a few months ago. Now.. We're like strangers.
There's nothing there anymore, and it makes me sad.
I don't think about it anymore on a daily basis.. But when I find things, notes, letter from him or pictures of us two together.. My mind can't help but to remember.
People still ask me about him, and how our relationship is nowadays.
And I hate answering that question, cause I know that after I tell people we don't really talk anymore.. There's always the follow-up-questions..
And I honestly don't know how to answer them, cause I have no idea what went wrong..
No matter the situation tho.. This guy will ALWAYS have my support, loyalty and love, cause I will always be grateful to him for being there for me.