It's almost 3am and I'm still up. And wide awake too..
Just walked my best friend to her car. She was here watching a Movie with me.
This is the first night alone in this apartment and everyone who knows me, know that I don't do well alone.
For many reasons really.. But mainly cause of my anxiety and the fact that I get REALLY bored. I hate living alone..
I do best in a roomie living arrangement.
Of course, I love my "alone time" just as much as the next.. But I still want someone around.. Close bye.
I love noise and around me. The sound of traffic, Music or just.. "city noise".
I could NEVER live on the country side where things are "nice and quiet".
Anyways.. Saara and I watched two scary movies.
"The haunting in Connecticut 2", and "Mama".
Mama... Now that is some seriously fucked up shit! Finally a GOOD scary movie!
Like most scary movies, the ending was a bit.. meh.. but all in all a really good scare!
Tomorrow is Sunday and also my favorite day of the week do to the fact that every Sunday,
Saara and I spend between 5-6hrs at the gym.
Tomorrow won't be the same, Saara is sick and won't be able to make it.
I REALLY want to go, so probably will go for a while, not the whole 6hrs, but at least for one or two sessions.
All the work I'm putting in is definitely starting to show! I am starting to actually like the way I look.
I know I have a LONG way to go, but the fact that I am starting to feel good about my self, means a lot to me.
I am happier and stronger as a person. For sure!
It feels a bit weird not hearing Isabelle talking to her gamers over the computer.
Or having Cayenne walk in telling us something about something on the computer or. I never know.
I've grown fond of the noises and sounds of home now..
And not having little Bons around feels REALLY strange.
I love that dog! He is definitely one of a kind.
Soon I will have my own little puppy to care for. I think that will be good for me.