
Wednesday, December 19, 2012


My wonderful beautiful friends.
So many of them going through rough times right now. It truly breaks my heart.
Friends seperating from their husbands, fiancés and boyfriends. And all of them have children between them. I am doing my very best to be there for them and help out in every way that I can.
If it's watching the kids while they sort out whatever they have to do, or just lend an ear when they need to talk. Don't really matter as long as it helps make things easier for them in some way.
It's sad that good people have to go through things like this.
I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life, so if bad things were to happen to me, it would probaby just be Karma.. But for bad things to happen to them.. Just not fair.
I really have to remember to put some ME time aside in all this.
I can't be there for them if I don't make sure I'm there for me.
One of the best things anyone ever said to be was; "You should be the most inportant person to you".
That sentence helped me in so many ways.
One of the major things that happened when that was said to me way, I let go of J.
Almost instantly. And that is probaby the best thing that ever happened to me.
I will always be grateful to D for that comment. Always.
Also grateful to have somewhere to spend Christmas this year.
It wasn't looking good for a long time, but a good friend invited me to spend it with her and her family. The thought of not celebrating Christmas is not a big deal to me. It's the thought of spending it alone that makes me sad. Knowing that everyone else I know is with their families and I'm at home alone. Been really blessed these last few years having friends who have invited me to celebrate with them. It wasn't always like that.


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