
Sunday, December 9, 2012


There are not many people "now days" that I look up to and admire.
I spoke to one of them last night.. It brought me sadness to hear that she had lost her light a little bit.
I guess we all have our "fall-a-parts", but when it happens to those people who always brought hope and motivation to you, when you where in the gutter.. it makes me sad.
This person is young and strong and already at a young age have a full on education in a very important part of our "system".
She's gone trough some very tough times and always came out on top.
Even tho I am a firm believer in that the Universe will never put more pressure on you than what you will be able to handle..
I still feel that maybe it should step off of her and give her a break.
I'm gonna put my willpower to use and send some positive thoughts her way.
Now, I don't believe in God, but I do believe in the Universe and the law of attraction.
The bible supports that theory so in words that speak to you;

- "Ask and you shall receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7


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