
Sunday, January 25, 2015


I'm home.
Back home in Västerås. It feels like it's been forever since I got to spend some time in my own apartment.
Altho It's been good for me to be in the company of my dear friend Hannah for two months.. It's time to get back to reality and my own routines. I need to get back in to training and eating healthy.
My baby sister is getting married in a month so will be fun to be near her and help her out any way I can with planing and organizing.

I've been starting to crave change. I've always been on the run, for the major part of my life.
Everytime I'm doing really poorly mentally, I tend to pick up and move, from this country.
I'm trying really hard to NOT do that this time,. From experience that never helps on a long term. It's just a temporary solution.
Instead I'm looking for more, "Right now" change. Like maybe.. Switching jobs, reconnecting with old friends, working on myself and my trauma. Things that will provide a more, healthy change. You know?

I don't know why I've been doing so poorly lately, I can't pinpoint one specific situation.
I think, THINK it's the lack of security and stability I've been feeling lately.
The need for someone to just, look at me and give me that sense of.. "Everything is ok, you got this".
That and the whole Jordan thing being brought up again. I'm trying HARD to not let that push me down. It's hard tho.. Cause.. It's Jordan.. and well.. You all know..

Also got a haircut.. Again, the need for change ;)
But really tho. It was quite the makeover! To go from really long hair, to REALLY short hair. New color and everything. I'm really happy with it. I'm always happy and content with anything my dear friend and hairdresser, Mathilda does with my hair. She's magic!

Untill next time.


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