
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


It's raining outside.
It's beginning of January and It's raining.. Sweden is practically north pole, It should be about -20F (-20-25C). Something is seriously wrong with the climate.
Tho I hear North Western states in the US are in what they're calling a "polar vortex".
How do they have colder weather than we do?? Madness!

In other news, I signed the contract for my new job today.
Felt REAL good. I will be making about 5 times the money from what I do now.
MUCH needed money.
It will be very needed for my New York trip in may.
I can't wait to start work tomorrow.
This new year have been good to me so far. I'm really truly looking forward to all fun stuff that will be 2014. Looking to make AT LEAST two trips to the US, first East coast then East & West coast.
Gonna cram in FL on one of those trips also, I REALLY miss my FL family. Can not believe it's been 15 years!

Later today one of my BEST friends in the world, Elin is coming over for some quality time.
We usually try to see each other ones every week, but do to the holidays and everything I haven't seen her in almost a month now, which is NOT something I'm happy about.
Elin is one of those wonderful people that has a heart made of gold.
I've NEVER heard her say a bad word about anyone and she is SO important to me.
She keeps me strong and motivated on where I need to be and whom I need to be and I am eternally grateful to have her in my life. Truly.

Old, OLD picture

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