
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Birthday Boy!!

I want to wish the fantastic Jamal a VERY happy birthday!
I hope you get to spend your day surrounded by all your favorite people!

One bad apple

It's an absolutely GORGEOUS day out!
I just got home from my third day at my new job.
I'm really enjoying it so far. The only thing i'm NOT so crazy about is having to get up at 4am every day.
Rough, real rough.

Regarding yesterdays entry.
I've gotten sooo many positive responses from you gorgeous people.
99% of you guys understand fully and support me all the way.
You know what they say.. one bad apple don't spoil a whole bunch.
You guys are awesome, you really are and it's gonna be fun seeing some of you this summer in Germany.
Thank you for all the sweet messages and tweets yesterday.
I know I didn't respond to everyone but some days it's just about impossible for me to keep up.
You guys are over 500 and I'm one person lol.. You do the math :)


Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I feel that I ones again need to address something.
It's hard for me to express myself regarding this cause I don't really know how to, without sounding like a compete drama queen or a bitch.
But the fact of the matter is that I am getting really overwhelmed.

I love all of you Exchangers and appreciate all the love and support you are showing me, as well as for the group and the site (ExchangeEurope & ExhangersUniter).
I enjoy talking to you and hearing about your day, your ideas and thoughts of the boys.
I do.. But there is a line that can't be crossed and that's when it comes to privacy.
I have had to set my instagram and twitter to private before and I don't wanna go back to that but if boundaries keeps getting crossed I will have to.
I want to share my day with you all and update my instagram with pictures of my everyday life.
But please, don't use my pictures without asking me first.
And when it comes to my facebook, I have been bombarded with friend requests these past few weeks, and I am flattered that you guys want to be friends, but it comes down to the fact that I am a very private person and there's a lot of personal things on my facebook so if I don't know you personally, I ask that you keep it to instagram and twitter.
I am happy to talk to you on there as long as you are respectful.

I don't mean for you to not talk to me or contact me at all.. just.. give me a little privacy and space.
I understand that you all are really excited over the boys and their European plans.
I'm glad that you are, but please don't ask me for personal information on the boys, a lot of the things that you are asking for I can not answer, and the things I can answer that would be considered their private life, I will still not share with you cause it is not my information to share. Please respect that.
I love it that you guys contact me with ideas and projects that you have and want me to be a part of or help you with, I am more than happy to help you guys with things like that, so don't feel intimidated to keep contacting me about things like that.

I hope this will help establish a more, how can I put it..
Healthy and less stressful relationship between me and you all.
Keep being fantastic, keep spreading the love and support just like you have been doing, but keep in mind, I am just one person and It's hard for me to keep up with you all so if it takes a little while for me to get back to you, don't stress, I'll get around to it. Promise.

I love you guys SOOOO much, and I hope that you will not take this entry in a negative manner.
I am simply trying to help our relationship so it can work more smoothly.
I hope you all are having a fantastic day.

Much Love.
xoxo Lindah


Admin: Me
Co-Admin: Tiina


Webmaster: Therese
Co-Webmaster: Me

ExchangeEurope and ExchangersUnited are two seperate things.
ExchangeEurope backs and supports ExchangersUnited and the other way around, but they are not the same. 
See ExchangersUnited more of an extension of ExchangeEurope. 

Friday, May 16, 2014


Oh hey!
Awesome day! Signed a contract with my new job today starting monday.
Can't wait!
I've done this exact job before, and I'm really.. Really good at it so I really can't wait to show them what I'm made of.

Also met up with two of my sisters today.
I'm really happy that I'm seeing them regularly now days. It used to be years in between our meet-ups.
I don't have a family, never did.. so it's really important to me to establish a relationship with them.
I didn't grow up with my siblings.. so I don't really see them as.. siblings.. but they are still my blood.
I always try to learn about them and compare myself to them.. in hopes I can find something of myself, in them.

Tomorrow my good friend Anna is coming to visit, which means I'm gonna spend my entire morning cleaning my apt while I'm at the same time doing laundry and doing the dishes.. Yep! Saturday.
Will be good to have her here tho. Haven't seen her since feb.. And right now her and I are supposed to be in NY/NJ... But that didn't go as planed and we had to cancel our trip... :(

Oh well.. Gotta go call my bestie. Spent all afternoon with her at the ER yesterday so need to check in with her and see if there's any change.

Stay smiling!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

30 and flirty

My last blog entry as a 20-something-girl. Rough.. really rough.
30.. that age makes me sick to my stomach. Well.. Not so much the age it self.. but that I'M turning 30.
I don't feel like I'm qualified to turn 30 just yet.
10 years ago I saw my life COMPLETELY different by this time that it really turned out to be.
I'm SO rich in experience, but what have I really accomplished?
Sure, yea... I've done some SERIOUS work on myself these last 3 years and that's of course an accomplishment by it self. But I mean.. as far as anything else goes?
I don't know.. I just don't feel.. "THERE" yet..

The project that Therese and I have been working on for a couple of weeks now, got finished last night.
We're so proud of it and we've been getting amazing response from The Exchange fans!
The only Exchange member to have commented on it so far is Christopher. He loved it!
Christopher is just amaaaazing! LOVE that guy!
It feels good to have worked HARD on something for weeks for someone and get some appreciation for it.
The fans are Grateful, and Christopher and Matt loves it.
Bama also gave us cred for it.. Miss talking to that guy..

Anyways.. Tomorrow.. 30.. I'll be working so hopefully will be distracted enough to not think about that horrible number.


Stay good, lovers!


Monday, May 12, 2014


Stockholm my dear Stockholm.
I just got home and I already miss it.
Altho Stockholm is not exactly what you would call a big capital city.. It is still the closest thing I get to a major city here in Sweden.
I miss my New York. It's a rough day today.. I am supposed to be on a plane on my way to NY as I am typing this. But life happened and now I'm... stuck in Sweden for about 6 more months.. Blah..
I really really need to get back to Manhattan. ASAP.

Anyways.. I have been really down for a few days now suffering abandonment issues and I don't know how to handle it. 
It's such an odd, confusing situation and I'm completely clueless.
Through this I have been getting SO much love from The Exchange's fans.
These girls are the sweetest things ever, they tweet me little sweet messages of encouragement, love and support that keeps me going through the day. 
They're SO grateful to me for the ExchangeEurope accounts and they let me know every single day.
It will be wonderful getting to meet a lot of them in person this summer. 
The Exchange, without a doubt have the friendliest fan base EVER and I am forever grateful to the boys for bringing us all together.

On a different note, I have a really important interview for a job today.
I REALLY want this job so I'm hoping it will go my way.
I've had the same job but for a different company before so I KNOW I can do this, and I'm DAMN good at it. Keep your fingers crossed for me, will ya!?

Gonna chill out and watch some TV now before it's time to head downtown.

LOVE to all.

Friday, May 9, 2014

A little too not over you

Tell me why you're so hard to forget. 
Don't remind me, I'm not over it. 
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth. 
And I really don't know what to do. 
I'm just a little too not over you.

Brithday sickness

I'm Siiiiiick!! I've been sick for a week now and I'm not loving it.
Especially working while sick, SUCKS.
It was my last week at work so I couldn't stay home sick.
But oh well... I'm home now, get to chill for about 12hrs then I'm off to Stockholm for the weekend.
Birthday celebrations and also attending the Fitness Gala.
Should be fun.

I've been off my meds for aaaalmost 2 months now! Can't actually believe it!
It's a good feeling to not have to depend on pills to be ok. To feel ok.
Aaron gave me the motivation and support/kindness I so desperatly needed, and now.. I'm flying solo.
Me and the girlies, my Exchange Europe "staff" are talking EEEEVERY day, and we have talked everyday ever since we left Manchester pretty much. Love these girls.
They are also one of the main reasons I've been doing so good lately.
They have me laughing uncontrollably, hysterically every day. To the point of tears.
Tiina.. She's hilarious. I mean.. the girl comes up with THE funniest things.
Emma.. she just slips up and accidentally say funny thinks without even thinking about it.
Madde, Oh Madde... The one who's always "outing" me, embarrassing me to 50 shades of tomato.
It's kind of her think. She's been doing it since day one. It's funny... I just laugh it.
Cause trust me.. she is NOT the only friend of mine who loves making me blush. Smh..

Well.. I gotta get back to Therese and out little project for The Exchange that we've been working on for the last 2 weeks or so.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Be Right Back


Sorry for the MIA.
Am currently working on a project with a friend so I'm a little occupied and don't have time to blog.
Project will be done by early next week so after that I will be back with you all again.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Abandonment Issues

So for the last two weeks I've been suffering serious Abandonment issues.. Real bad.
This really has nothing to do with anyone other than ME.
It is MY issue and mine to deal with but it is still VERY painful and frighting.
The confusion and sadness gets overwhelming and it brings me to a very dark place.
This is one of my many personality traits that came with me growing up under the circumstances that I did.
It is, among other things something that I am constantly working on.
To become a better version of myself.
To evolve in to the person that I was always meant to be.
Hopefully this will give you some insight to what it's like to be me.

Fear of abandonment is very strong in ACAs and differs from the fear of rejection.
Adult children of alcoholics seem to be able to handle rejection and adjust to it.
Fear of abandonment, however, cuts a lot deeper because of childhood experiences.

The child who experiences living with alcoholism grows into an individual with a weak and very inconsistent sense of self, as we have already discussed.
This is a very, very critical self which has not had the nurturance it needed.
It is a hungry self and, in many ways, a very insecure self.

This is caused by the fact that you never knew when, or if, your parents would be emotionally available to you.
You expected unpredictability and inconsistency.
Once the drinking began, you simply did not exist.
Your needs would not be met until the drinking episode and any accompanying crises were over.
There was no way to predict when this would occur.
What a terrible, terrible feeling.
No matter what you did to try to prevent it, it would happen anyway.

Some children living in this situation continue trying to get their needs met, and others give up entirely.
Those children who give up entirely are not as anxious to enter into adult relationships as are those who still hold onto the fantasy that maybe, just maybe, this time things will be different.

The constant fear, however, is that the person you love will not be there for you tomorrow.
In an attempt to guard against losing your beloved, you idealize the relationship and idealize your role in the relationship.
Your safeguard against being abandoned is to try hard to be perfect and serve all the other person's needs.

Whenever anything goes wrong (and in life, things go wrong), and when there is conflict (and in life, there is conflict), the fear of being abandoned takes precedence over dealing with the pertinent issue which needs to be resolved.
This fear is so great that it is not unusual for ACAs to completely lose sight of the actual problem.

Friday, May 2, 2014


Alltight, so i've already had yesterday off.. but there's still something pretty special about Fridays, agree?
I've really TRIED to sleep in this morning!
Woke up several times during the night but managed to fall back asleep.
Finally gave up at 8.30.. Which is quite the sleep in regarding the fact that I usually get out of bed at 5.15 every morning.

Yesteday was spent with my lovely friend Sandra and her family.
Sandra and I went to college in Sweden together. Studying journalism.
We've since stayed friends and she's definitely one of those people that I never ever wanna lose.
Life would just not be the same without a friend like her.
So Sandra, let's grow old together, yea? :)

Right now I'm waiting for my little friend Mathilda to get her butt out of bed and pick me up.
We're headed to her place for a.. well.. a love party.. or as most people would say.. a sex party.
Yes, that does sound like something that American people think that Swedish people are up to on a regular basis.. But get your heads out of the gutter you dirrty Americans! It's not what it sounds like.
Thank goodness.
Basically it's like a Tupperware party.. but instead of lunch boxes... Sex toys.
Aaaaand I know I know.. Most of my friends are in complete chock reading this right now.. "YOU??".
And you're not wrong.. It sure is not something that I would do.
I'm a prude and damn proud of it, but when my littlest friend, who is pretty much like a little sister to me, asks me to come.. I'm not gonna say no.
To me, tonight is pretty much gonna be a 50 shades of tomato for me.
I blush so easily and tonight will def not be an exception.
I have prepared with a bottle of wine. Ha.. Oh dear..

Well, I'm off.
I will update you all with picture tomorrow night.


Thursday, May 1, 2014


Weird week this week. Only worked Mon-Wed. So even tho its Wed today.. It's like Friday?
WORST day ever at work today.. NOTHING was working, no one to fix the ish and a whole lot of sitting around, waiting, hoping that someone could get it sorted.. I don't roll like that.
If I'm at work.. I wanna work.. or I could just as well have stayed at home.
Only good thing is that I still get payed. So that's a silver lining I suppose.

Have had a good night tonight, catching up with an old friend.
Updated her on the generally good things that's been going on in my life for the past 4 years.
Jordan situation, miscarriage, MS and so on.. ya'll know.

Earlier, after work I met up with one of my besties for a coffee date down town.
She's truly one of the most amazing people I know.
Right now just at home relaxing before it's time to sleep.
Have a date with the washing machine tomorrow morning at 7 so can't stay up to late.
Even tho it's already past midnight. Ha.. Nice one, Lindhs.

I've been debating on if I should pick up the guitar and learn how to play..
It's just sitting in my room and I don't even know how to play.. Shame.
Would also be pretty sweet to dust off the Violin again sometime.. I haven't played for years now and not even sure I still remember how to?
I just miss music.. A lot..
It's my one true outlet when it comes to emotions and words I can't find or say on my own..
There's always that song that will describe exactly how you're feeling.
Right now that would be Afrojack - "Ten Feet Tall", for me.
SO much emotion in that song.. I'm hooked.

It is now officially may.. It's 12.09am. Officially my birthday month..
This I will celebrate with trying to fall asleep..

Talk tomorrow, lovers.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Ten Feet Tall

You build me up
Make me what I never was
You build me up
From nothing into something
Yeah, something from the dust

Been trying so hard not to let it show
But you got me feeling like
I'm stepping on buildings, cars and boats
I swear I could touch the sky

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

German babies with pink balloons?

Stressful day.
Was on the verge of an Anxiety attack last night, when finally.. after a week and a half of silence, my sweet friend FINALLY got in touch. It was so timed it's ridiculous.
Kept me going through today, tho I could still feel that anxiety in the back of my head waiting to party.
Still have not touched my meds.

Spent my afternoon with my bestie, Isabell.
Got some serious baby cuddles that will hold me over for a while.
I want a whole football team of my own. Some day..
I'm just in pure bliss when I get to be around children.
I miss working with kids.
For 7 years I did it as a profession but it was years before that I started babysitting.

My birthday is right around the corner now. Ppl keep asking me what I want for my day.. and in all honesty.. I just want a good day, with my friends and for someone to bake me a cake.
Maybe a pink balloon too.. A pink balloon would be nice.
I wouldn't mind a cute boy either.... Wrapped up in a pink bow.. Awe............. *dreams away*

I REALLY wanna be in Germany right now.. Berlin to be specific.
I'm kind of stressing over it and stress triggers my anxiety so that's no good..

Gonna try and unwind now so I can hopefully get some sleep.. cause sure didn't sleep much last night.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekend, over..

Hey lovers!

So weekend is just about over and I feel like we should cry about it for a second.
- No.. Really.

It's been a good weekend. Like I told you earlier, friday was spend with my little friend Mathilda with whom I get to spend WAY to little time with now days.
Saturday.. I pretty much burned a whole in my wallet with all the shopping that went down.
But I deserved some new stuff. I've been doing really well these past few weeks so I felt I should treat myself a little bit.
After shopping I got home, got changed and went over to my dearest friends house.
I've known Dorothea since she was 2 and I was 3yrs old.. So we're pretty much family at this point.
We had a good ol' fashioned BBQ.
Lots of kids running around, the smell of BBQ in the air, and good company.
Exactly what life should be like!
Today has been the weekly cleaning day.
It's actually been good even tho I've missed out on the absolutely GORGEOUS weather outside.
It's gonna be even hotter out tomorrow so hopefully I'll manage to get some sun on my lunchbreak...
I'm getting SO many freckles in this sunshine I can't deal.. I HAAAATE my freckles.. I feel like a dalmatian..

Anyways.. It's around that time when I need to unwind and fall asleep.. Work tomorrow.. blah..
Thankfully a short week.. Mon-Wed so will go by quick.

Hope you all are doing well out there. xoxo

Saturday, April 26, 2014

It's a good day to spend some money

I was JUST gonna go out for a few beers after work with a friend.
Yep.. Well.. we did have a few beers... and a drink.. and shots... Ugh..
I'm not hung over.. but I'm guessing my bank account is.
Oh well.. I hardly ever get to hang out with my little Mathilda and it's def not every day I get to get her drunk. Love that girl.. She's like a sister to me. Can't believe she'll be graduating this year!

Anyways.. It's pretty sweet how Exchange fans come to me, to ME for things they wanna put together/do for the boys.. with little ideas and such.. I'm all for it. If I can help, I will help.
Just cute how for some reason.. they want MY help!
I'm honored.
Right now I'm cooking up a little something for the boys with a girl who apparently waited a few weeks to PM me with the idea lol, I'm loving this one.
Will be fun to see it develop and the finished product. I'm sure the boys will love it.

Later today I will be booking flights to Finland with Madeléne.
This cruise will be effin epic! It's almost like a little "Exchange Europe Staff trip".
Loving these girls and how they all have me loling all day every day.
Especially Tiina.. she's HILARIOUS!! The comments she comes up with is.. pure gold.
So grateful to have these 3 fantastic ppl in my life. They def bring me joy.

In other news.. Yesterday was payday.. so today is I'M-GOING-SHOPPING-DAY!!

I'm out!

LOVE y'all!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This is us!


Happy Easter, or.. belated Easter?
I just got done with my first day at work back from Easter break.
It's been an overwhelming weekend for me.. Emotional to say the least.

I've had this awesome person in my life these past 2 months.
This person has been SO supportive and kind to me trough my anxiety.
He's had me lifted enough to keep me off my meds.
He'd probably say that I did it all on my own.. But truth of the matter is.. I couldn't have done it without him.
And for that I will be forever grateful.
The sad thing is.. I've not been able to enjoy this person lately do to other people butting in, assuming things and making things their business. Which is sad..
Cause.. Being who I am, coming from the background that I do..
I already find it hard to enjoy good things in life.. and ppl making this even harder.. have made me want to back off.
I'm really tired off all the assuming going on.
I am an grateful person. I've never had much to be grateful for in life.. growing up.
Never really had someone who asked how I was doing, and actually cared.
Now, I have things in life to be grateful for.. So grateful.. a BEAUTIFUL group of friends that love and support me, among other things.
If someone shows me kindness, I respond with gratitude.
To me, that should be natural to any person.. But it seems it isn't as my gratitude seams to be mistaken for something else.
This person who's kept me smiling lately, I have love for him.. but I am not in any way, IN love with him.
I am grateful for him giving me attention and asking how I am doing.
I am grateful that he takes time out of his day to check in on me every now and then.
But that's it. I am Grateful.
So if people could stop speculating and assuming things, it would be greatly appreciated.
I've decided to just simply.. back off.. I do not have the strength to deal with drama right now.
I've already set my instagram, facebook & twitter to private to minimize the snooping.
I don't think I can do much more than that.

That's all for me right now..
Stay good.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Deep state of mind

Good morning? Or.. Night?
Woke up at 4.30 and now I can't fall asleep.
When all else fails.. Blog.

Anyways.. I had a complete melt down 2 nights ago.. I can without a doubt say that, that.. was the worst attack I've EVER had.. It was more than just anxiety.. it was a full blown panic attack.
I found my anxiety meds that same night.. They had rolled under my bed.
I put three pills in my hand and... heard that magic sentence in my head.. "I'm so proud of you"... and I just couldn't take them... It was like a block!
I couldn't do it.. I needed to.. then more than ever.. But.. I couldn't do it.
Thankfully I had good friends to help me through the worst part of it, they distracted me enough so I could calm myself and get back out of it.
I just HOPE that i NEVER get an attack THAT bad again.. cause in all seriousness,
I don't ever wanna have to just.. sit through that again.
I kind of know, and understand where the attack was triggered from..
THAT guy.. I know what ya'll are thinking now.. "LET HIM GO"...
And that's just the thing.. I feel that I am..
And it's been so long, that I don't remember how to NOT love him..
I have loved him so deeply for the last 4 years now.. and..I just.. Don't know what It's like not loving him.
Shit really went down with that situation and a lot of "unfinished business" that is still there..
But I guess me doing so good lately and being in a more happy place.. has helped me to disconnect from him enough to actually be ready to let him go...
I will always hold him close to my heart.. But I can't love him like I used to. For my own sake.

Am gonna try and get some more sleep now..
I hope you all are doing well, and.. Happy Easter!