
Thursday, February 14, 2013


I have to LOL at people complaining of them "losing" friends to me.
I think the problem is more on YOU than on me.
I didn't know you could own a friend. Even less that I or anyone for that matter, can have some sort of power over someone that they could make that person leave all their other friends, for just one friend?
And if that was to happen, I think the person leaving the other friends.. is the one with the problem.
Sure, I went away for a year, but I never saw that at leaving my friends.
I always knew.. or thought at least that... It will never matter where I go in the world.
My friends will be my friends regardless of where I am.
In some cases this turned out to be true. Others.. not.
I will never blame anyone or hold it against another person if they decide not to be my friend anymore.
It is their decision and I can not effect that.
My life will go on with or without them.

I keep my friends close. Cause I love the feeling of being surrounded by the people I love the most.
I don't have a family, so to me.. My friends are the closest thing I have to a family.
Some of them I don't see or speak to that often, but that does not change the fact that I love them and will always be here for them, should they ever need me.
It's simply life "getting in the way" of me seeing them as often as I would like.

After I got home I have gotten REALLY close to people I never used to be so close to.
I have been friends with them for years, but our personalities has just not been THAT great of a match.
Now, after a year of learning and growing I am a COMPLETELY different person than I was before I left.
It's a shame that some of the people I thought was closest to me, will never get to know the new and real me. But it makes me so much more grateful that the people who stood by me, are embracing me fully and are seeing me from NOW, not the past.
These are the people I want in my life.
The people whom I know I can trust and be myself around.
People who will not judge me for shit I did years ago.
People who wants to make new memories and live for the future, not the past.
THOSE, are the friends I love and adore.

To everyone else, I wish you happiness and all the love in the world.

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